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Shar Kane was born in Illinois. She enjoys properties in Colorado and Texas. She studied child development along with business in college. Her desire is to bring light into the lives of children so they can see the light of goodness when shared. Her approach to her writing is strongly motivated by her sincere belief that we’re here to impact the lives of others, starting with our children. Goodness Time’s mission statement is CHANGE THE MOOD, SHAPE THE WORLD. The mission exemplifies her effort to promote and help all find the goodness within themselves and others.
Goodness Goodness Starts with Me

Shar has three grown children, an adult stepson, two beautiful granddaughters and a fun-loving grandson she calls “MG” which stands for My Guy. She became an author through many years of managing her non-profit, assisting school children charged in court with offenses that suggested bullying or a response to bullying.

Her successful court-ordered program brought a more positive approach and response in behavior, resulting in non-repeated offenses. As a result, she began conducting fun and positive seminars in schools tailored by grade level to bring in the light they all hold. Schools reported behavior changes through surveys taken before her classes and then afterwards.

She enjoys reading, traveling and studying new approaches to challenging things. She loves spending her free time playing with her toddler grandson and continuing her Goodness Book Series.